Our Services

Atobit is a company specialized in custom software development located between Reggio Emilia and Modena.
Our goal is to provide customized software built to meet your needs
to streamline business processes and improve your business.

Every Atobit software is unique, just like your company.
Our specialized team, supported by the most established and consolidated technologies possesses all the necessary skills to handle both the front end and back end,
possiede tutte le competenze necessarie per curare sia la parte di front end che quella di back end,
ensuring high-quality and scalable products over time.

We put all our effort into developing:

Custom management systems

A management system that supports business processes, automated and
optimized for operational efficiency, is essential to facilitate your business.
We develop customized enterprise management systems with advanced functionalities that can
replace or seamlessly integrate with various software already used in the company.

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Mobile applications

In order for an app to be successful, it must meet the needs of the end user;
therefore, thorough research is necessary to define the
potential features that are most suitable and performant.
We create and maintain Apps for Android and iOS with modern design, fully leveraging
all applicable functionalities of the latest generation smartphones.

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System integration

For system integration, we mean the construction of connections
and coordination beetween different computer systems or software applications
so that they can operate synergistically as a single entity.

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UX e UI design

The virtual aesthetics of software allows us to enhance the user interface
and improve interaction with it: fundamental elements that also enable
high-quality navigation. Our goal is to maximize
User Experience and User Interface by combining creativity with functionality.

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Tailored websites

We create websites from scratch and take care of existing ones,
managing every aspect: design, development, publishing, hosting, scalability
and security to ensure an always optimal and satisfying browsing experience.

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IT consulting and support

With our consulting andtechnical support, we aim to guide companies
through the digital jungle, often dense and complex. For those who turn to us,
we will present the most modern and advanced technological solutions
to enable corporate digital ecosystems to remain fast and competitive.

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Our development methodology

The world of IT is often winding and complicated.
Navigating it is not simple, which is why choosing the right approach is crucial to optimize time and resources.

We support small and medium-sized enterprises and professionals in every phase of technological development.
For us, every milestone reached is as important as the journey itself.

We are here to earn and keep your trust.
Are you ready to be guided to your destination?

Step 01


icona analisi

It is crucial to precisely understand
what the software functionalities to be created should be.
Behind a well-executed project lies the right attention
to detail in defining requirements, expectations,
use cases, and technological choices.
After careful analysis, the first step we will take
is to produce a detailed technical report.

Step 02


icona design

The second phase is the creation of a graphic mockup
that allows you to touch your future software.
Our experienced UX Design team will realize the project,
detailing every single choice made:
transforming abstract ideas into concrete screens
is essential to understand the program's functioning.
Observing a graphic is very useful to understand if the software
is intuitive and easily understandable.

Step 03


icona test

Often, in the design phase, the importance
of involving end users is underestimated: this precaution
is essential to improve the software interface.
After discussing the project together and making
the necessary changes, we will accompany you in the testing phase
where a selection of users will test the program and provide us
with feedback on the difficulties encountered. We will define
the project details to make it ready for production.

Step 04


icona planning

Confermato in maniera definitiva il progetto
e accettati i termini, è tempo di scadenzare le fasi di sviluppo.
Definiremo insieme le date di consegna e gli incontri di
aggiornamento per stabilire una chiara visione nel tempo
dell'intero ciclo di produzione.
Ogni step di avanzamento verrà pianificato e rispettato
in modo puntuale.
Rispettare le tempistiche prefissate per noi è fondamentale!

Step 05


icona sviluppo

We carry out the actual development of the project,
keeping ourselves aligned on the progress status during the work.
We will provide you with preview versions of the updated software
to allow you to experience its future use until the final delivery.
The idea has now become a concrete reality!

Step 06


icona supporto

We will be by your side even after the release of the application,
the most delicate phase. This is the last stage of the journey but
the first step for a lasting, constructive, and fruitful relationship.
We guarantee our technical support to make any necessary
improvements, manage software updates, and refine
the developed project to best meet your needs and requirements.

Know us


The IT world is sophisticated, we know it.

Do you need help?

Contact us for a free consultation.